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Hello and welcome to my Fourthwall page ! My name is Fabien, a freelance Web developer trying to make some money on the side.

On this Fourthwall page, I will sell professional templates of any kind. Professional and clean-looking Portfolios, Application kits to get you started on your project right away, and whatever else some of you will be able to request.

The current only available item is a Portfolio template built using Next.js 15, React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS and shadcnui, featuring eight different sections, each of them boasting three to four different layouts you will be able to browse through and select, as well as an out-of-the-box light / dark mode, full accessibility support and excellent performance to boot.

Don't waste time on building an interface; browse through the many possible combinations, pick what fits your needs, and simply edit the content to include your own achievements.